About Us

We are an all volunteer group that serves our school community. We would love for every SA family to help out with an activity or event that supports the school. Inside or out, during the school day or after hours, there are many easy ways to help, and we truly value your time, your ideas and your support. All are welcome to join us for our monthly meetings. Please see the calendar for meeting details. 

PTO Listserv: To be added to the listserv, please send an email to sustainabilitypto[at]gmail[dot]com. Once you are added, you can then post to the listserv by simply addressing an email to barnes-pto[at]googlegroups[dot]com

2024/2025 PTO Officers & Roles

  • Co-Presidents: Allie Schachter & Erin Malone
  • Vice-President: Valerie Esposito
  • Secretary: Heidi Hansen
  • Treasurer: Steve Smith
  • City Market Member Worker Coordinator: Jay Charest

Diversity Task Force

As one of the most diverse school in the Burlington School District, the Diversity Task Force works to promote family involvement and  understanding of all cultural, religious, nationalities represented in the school community and beyond. We believe that Diversity is our gift and our future. As part of the PTO, we collaborate with families, teachers and school administration in strengthening relationships with students and families while fostering family and community engagement in our school.

City Market Member Worker Opportunities

Our school is one of City Market/Onion River Co-op’s Community Outreach Partners, as we have a teaching garden on our grounds.  Co-op members are able to earn member worker credit by volunteering at our school, be it at PTO organized events (Harvest Run, Pancake breakfast) or with other activities that the school needs help with (garden work days, after school activities).  Please e-mail Samantha Tilton at sltilton {at} gmail.com for more information or to report hours.

Annual Award of Service

The Sustainability Academy’s annual Award of Service, founded in 2011, celebrates a member of the greater SA community for their contributions of service to the school. The winner of this award is selected by the Principal and PTO leadership, and is awarded at the all school celebration of community partners in June.

Criteria include:
* Active participant in the greater SA community
* Goes above and beyond to help fulfill the school’s mission
* Does not necessarily have to have children attending the school
* Is not awarded to a member of the PTO leadership team during their term of service

Nominations will be solicited in the spring, but can be accepted at any time. Please complete this brief form to nominate someone.

Past winners:
2011-2012  Tiffany Tillman
2012-2013  Rich Woods
2013-2014  Mark Cline Lucey
2014-2015 Malaka Clarke
2015-2017 – [award was on hiatus]
2017-2018 Kelly Kaeding Davidson
2018-2019 Angela Smith-Dieng & Ali Dieng, Susan Cline Lucey, Sarah Kenney & David Lines
2019-2020 Lal Pradhan
2020-2021 Christina Erickson
2021-2022 Christin Pounds
2022-2023 Christina Vetter and Kara West

Minutes, Bylaws & Tax Documents

  • PTO Bylaws – To download our PTO Bylaws, including Appendix A: Board Member Elections and Appendix B: Parliamentary Authority (Adopted by majority vote 5/1/2023), click here.
  • PTO Meeting Minutes – To access our monthly meeting minutes (2014-present), click here.
  • SA PTO Tax-Exempt Status Letter– To download a copy of our S-3 (9/17/2015), click here.