We are wildly excited to come together for our annual Harvest Run for Sustainability on Sunday, October 13th! This event is one of the biggest fundraisers and community builders for the Sustainability Academy at Lawrence Barnes. We invite everyone and all their friends to romp through the farm fields and dirt roads of the Intervale in this family-friendly event to support place-based learning at the Sustainability Academy.
Sustainability Academy Harvest Run T-shirts will be fore sale!
The top-finishing male, female, SA student, and SA student relay team will each be recognized and receive a shiny, gold medal!
5K: $15 per adult; $5 per kid/student; $35 per family
2-Person 5K relay: RACE DAY ONLY $10 (2-kid team); $20 (otherwise)
Kids’ Fun Run: FREE; no registration required
2.5K Fun Run: FREE; no registration required
Race Day Information
9:00 Registration (Note: Relay teams must register on Race Day!)
10:00 Start: FREE Kids’ Fun Run (~1/4 mile; no registration required!)
10:30 Start: 5K, 5K Relay (2-person), and 2.5K Fun Run
10:30 -12 Post Race Celebration including Musical Guests!
Registration Website
180 Intervale Rd
Burlington, VT US 05401
13th Annual Harvest Run, Sunday October 13!
Course Map
Our Generous Sponsors